# Ambient Settings

The Ambient Settings section allows you to control the environmental aspects of your job:

# Weather Dropdown

Set the in-game weather conditions for your job, whether it's sunny, snowy, Halloween-themed, or thunderous.

Json weth Global Global_4718592.f_118003

# Time of Day Dropdown

Adjust the time of day for your job, such as noon, night, or morning.

Json tod Global Global_4718592.f_118045

# Custom Time of Day Checkbox Textbox

By activating the checkbox, you can define a custom time of day. This reveals two additional options to set the hours and minutes.

Json Global Bit
menubs2 Global_4718592.f_12 15
todhr Global_4718592.f_167559
todmn Global_4718592.f_167560

# HD Vision Checkbox

Toggle HD Vision on or off for enhanced visuals.

Json menubs10 Global Global_4718592.f_20 Bit 6

# Blackout City Checkbox

Activate the Blackout City mode by using the checkbox.

Json menubs14 Global Global_4718592.f_24 Bit 27

# Radio & Music Dropdown

Define the in-game radio and background music for your job using dropdown menus.

Json Global
musx Global_4718592.f_118044
ausc Global_4718592.f_118041