# Job Information

The Job Information section allows you to fine-tune the details that describe your job:

# Title Textbox

Edit the job title to make it appealing to players.

Json nm Global Global_4718592.f_117598

# Description Textbox

Customize the job's description, providing players with a clear understanding of what your job offers.

Json nm Global Global_4718592.f_117620

# Job Image

This option primarily displays the job image. However, it also includes the ability to export the image for editing and import it again to upload custom or edited images.

Name Values
Pattern 48 8D 0D ? ? ? ? 44 8A C3 BA ? ? ? ? E8 ? ? ? ? 84 C0 75 07 BB ? ? ? ? EB 06
Image Offset 0x18
Image Size Offset 0x14

Options you can perform
Options you can perform

// Function GTA.getIMGPointer
public static IntPtr getIMGPointer()
    ulong addy = MainWindow.m.AOBScanModule2(GTA.Offsets.Editor.AOB_img_ptr, MainWindow.m.getMainModule());
    return (IntPtr)(MainWindow.m.rip(IntPtr.Add((IntPtr)addy, 3)).ToInt64() - (long)MainWindow.m.getBaseAddress());

// Change Image Code Snippet
List<byte> temp = ImageSourceToBytes(new JpegBitmapEncoder(), new BitmapImage(new Uri(ofd.FileName))).ToList();

long offset = GTA.Offsets.Editor.Image.img;
long addy = m.memory((m.memory(GTA.getIMGPointer().ToInt64()).GetAddress() + 0x18)).Get<long>() + offset;

byte[] temparray = temp.ToArray();

m.memory((addy - 0x4).ToString("X")).SetInt(temparray.Count());
